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International students in Canada have the right to change their program or institution as long as their study permit is valid. This means that you can change the college you are studying in Canada after getting a visa or study permit. However, please also note that you need to respect the conditions of your study visa and this requires you to follow certain steps.

Changing Schools or Programs: International Students in Canada

In order to take the first step towards changing your college or school, you must make sure that you meet all the criteria required by your study permit. This involves studying at a designated learning institution (DLI) and regularly participating in your studies in Canada. Note that your main purpose and activity must be studying, therefore, your study program is required to be a full-time basis.

You will also need to inform (CIC) about the college change. This is done reporting the federal government through your online account that you have currently changed your post-secondary institution. After signing in your online account, you will need to enter your new college’s DLI number, your student ID number and as well as the date you are going to start your new study program.

Process of changing college in Canada involves following certain steps through your online account in the portal:

  • Signing in to your online account.
  • Go to the “Designated Learning Institution Student Transfer”
  • Click on the “Transfer from DLI number”
  • Here you need to type your study permit application number in order to find your application
  • If required, you might need to enter more information from your original study permit

How to change the DLI number in Canada:

  • Renew the information about your new college or program, by typing the new DLI number, student identification number, and as well as the date you are going to start your new programt.
  • Click on “Submit Transfer” button
  • Before the confirmation make sure that all the information you entered is reviewed for the last time. If you see no errors click on “Confirm Transfer”
  • When you receive a notification telling that your request is complete, it means that you have already successfully informed the federal government about your change in your study plans.

In Quebec, the procedure of changing schools or study programs are a bit different, since the province is running its own immigration system. International students, wishing to apply for study in Quebec, must follow the province’s specific rules and procedures.

If you want to study in Quebec as an international student, you must have a Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ).

Those who are already in Quebec as students, need to submit a new CAQ application to be able to change their educational program, school or institution. Please note that as long as you respect all the conditions required by your current study permit, actively participating in your studies in Canada, you can modify or change your study programs.

If you want to change your study program in Canada or wish to know your options in becoming an international student in Canada, we are always here to help.